Optimal Oven Settings for Juicy Flanken Short Ribs: A Complete Guide

how to cook flanken short ribs in oven

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Flanken short ribs, known for their rich flavor and succulent texture, have become a favorite in many kitchens. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of cooking these delectable ribs in the oven, ensuring a mouthwatering result that will impress even the most discerning taste buds.

Selecting Quality Flanken Short Ribs

Creating a culinary masterpiece often begins with selecting high-quality ingredients, and when it comes to meat, choosing the right cut is crucial. Flanken short ribs, known for their rich flavor and tenderness, can be a fantastic choice for a delicious dish. Here’s a guide to help you master the art of selecting the best flanken short ribs: 

Inspect the Color:

Look for flanken short ribs with a vibrant red color. When you’re choosing meat, make sure it doesn’t look weird or brownish.


When we talk about marbling, we’re talking about the fat that’s found in the meat. So, if you want your ribs to be tasty and tender, make sure to choose the ones with a good amount of marbling. It’s also important to check that the fat is distributed evenly throughout the meat.

Thickness and Size:

For optimal results in preparing a succulent and uniformly cooked meal, it is recommended to opt for flanken short ribs that share a comparable thickness and size.


Check the sell-by date or packaging date to ensure freshness. If possible, purchase from a trusted butcher who can provide information about the meat’s source.


The meat should have a fresh, clean smell. If it has an off-putting or sour odor, it may not be of high quality.

Understanding Meat Grading:

Meat in many countries is graded based on quality, and understanding these grades can assist you in making the best choice:

Prime Grade:

Prime-grade meat has the highest level of marbling, making it incredibly flavorful and tender. It’s often found in high-end restaurants.

Choice Grade:

Choice-grade meat is still of good quality with less marbling than prime. It is a cost-effective alternative that offers a pleasant taste while maintaining a balance between the taste and the price.

Select Grade:

Select-grade meat has the least marbling, making it leaner but potentially less tender. It’s a good option for those seeking a healthier choice.

Preparing Flanken Short Ribs

Cleaning and Trimming:

First, wash the flanken short ribs with cold water to get rid of any extra blood or bone fragments. Dry them off using paper towels. Cut off any extra fat from the edges, but don’t go overboard since it adds flavor. Lastly, remove any silvery skin or tough tissues to make the eating experience more enjoyable.


Marinating is a crucial step to infuse flavor and tenderness into the ribs. Consider a combination of: 

Acidic Elements: Citrus juices, vinegar, or wine for tenderizing.

Flavor Enhancers: Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, or your favorite marinade for taste.

Aromatics: Garlic, onions, herbs, and spices for depth of flavor.


Season the ribs generously with a mix of:

Salt and Pepper: A classic and essential seasoning.

Spices: Depending on your flavor preferences, consider paprika, cumin, chili powder, or a pre-made rub.

Fresh Herbs: Hey, don’t forget to add some fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or sage to give the dish a lovely aroma. It’ll taste even better!

Allowing Marination Time:

Pop the ribs in the marinade and let it chill in the fridge for a few hours, or better yet, overnight. This lets the flavors soak into the meat and makes it extra tender.

Brining (Optional):

For an extra layer of juiciness, consider brining the ribs in a solution of salt, sugar, and water for a few hours before marinating.

Room Temperature Before Cooking:

Make sure to take the ribs out of the fridge at least half an hour before cooking so they can warm up to room temperature. This ensures more even cooking.

Oven Setup and Temperature


Always preheat your oven before cooking flanken short ribs. Basically, this makes sure that the ribs cook evenly and have a better texture. It all starts by getting them to the right temperature from the beginning.

Oven Types:

Depending on your kitchen setup, you may have a conventional oven, a convection oven, or even a combination oven. Adjust your cooking times and temperatures accordingly.

  • Conventional Oven: Follow standard temperature guidelines.
  • Convection Oven: Reduce the temperature by about 25°F (approximately 14°C) and monitor the cooking time, as convection ovens cook more efficiently.

Temperature Setting:

The optimal oven temperature for cooking flanken short ribs depends on the chosen cooking method:

Braising: Set the oven to a low to moderate temperature, around 300°F to 325°F (149°C to 163°C). Slow cooking at lower temperatures enhances tenderness.

Grilling: Preheat the grill to medium-high, around 350°F to 400°F (177°C to 204°C). Adjust the heat as needed during cooking.

Oven Roasting: A moderate temperature of 325°F (163°C) is suitable for roasting. To get that caramelized exterior, turn up the heat to broil for a few minutes towards the end.

Slow Cooking: To cook slowly using a slow cooker, just set it to either low or medium heat depending on what your cooker allows.

Using a Meat Thermometer:

Make sure you get yourself a good meat thermometer so that your ribs will reach the perfect temperature inside. That way, you’ll know they’re cooked to perfection! For flanken short ribs:

Braised Ribs: Aim for an internal temperature of around 195°F to 205°F (91°C to 96°C) for tender results.

Grilled or Roasted Ribs: Cook until the internal temperature reaches 145°F to 160°F (63°C to 71°C) for medium-rare to medium doneness.

Positioning Racks:

Adjust the oven racks to ensure the ribs are placed in the center of the oven for even heat distribution. This is particularly important for roasting and slow cooking.

Monitoring Cooking Times:

Make sure to keep an eye on your ribs while they’re cooking. Different factors such as the thickness of the meat or your oven may impact cooking times. Use suggested times as a guideline but rely on visual and temperature cues for doneness.

Resting Period:

Let the flanken short ribs chill for a bit after cooking before you chow down. This pause gives the juices a chance to even out, making sure that you get a juicy and tasty result.

By understanding your oven, selecting the appropriate temperature, and using a meat thermometer, you’ll harness the full potential of your cooking equipment to create perfectly cooked flanken short ribs. These steps contribute to a culinary masterpiece that showcases the tenderness and rich flavors of this delightful cut.

Importance of Proper Cooking

Cooking isn’t just a boring process, it’s a magical journey that can transform your meat into something delicious. The right cooking techniques can elevate Flanken Short Ribs from ordinary to extraordinary, making it imperative to pay attention to the details.

Flavorful Side Dish Pairings

Mashed Potatoes:

Creamy mashed potatoes serve as a classic and comforting side. Season with butter, garlic, and herbs for added flavor.

Grilled Vegetables:

Grilled veggies like asparagus, zucchini, and bell peppers are a perfect match for ribs. They add a pop of color and freshness that balances out the richness of the meat.

Garlic Roasted Brussels Sprouts:

Roast Brussels sprouts with garlic and olive oil until crispy. The nutty flavor complements the savory notes of the flanken short ribs.

Creamed Spinach:

A velvety creamed spinach brings a luxurious touch to the meal, balancing the hearty flavors of the ribs.

Crispy Polenta:

Slice and pan-fry polenta until crispy. The golden exterior and creamy interior provide a delightful contrast to the tender ribs.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes:

Roast sweet potatoes with a touch of cinnamon and brown sugar for a sweet and savory side that complements the richness of the ribs.

Wild Mushroom Risotto:

A creamy wild mushroom risotto adds a touch of elegance and earthiness to the meal, creating a well-rounded dining experience.

Presentation Tips

Presentation Tips
Plate with Precision:

Begin by placing the flanken short ribs strategically on the plate. Consider arranging the items in a manner that not only showcases their inherent shape but also emphasizes the caramelized or grilled outer surface, thereby enhancing their visual appeal.

Contrasting Colors:

Create visual appeal by incorporating vibrant and contrasting colors. Pair the rich, dark tones of the ribs with colorful side dishes, such as green vegetables, roasted red peppers, or golden mashed potatoes.

Sauce Drizzle:

If you’ve prepared a flavorful sauce or reduction, drizzle it artistically on the plate or over the ribs. Use a squeeze bottle for precision or a spoon for a more rustic touch.

Fresh Herbs:

Sprinkle some fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or cilantro on top. It’ll add a pop of color and a hint of freshness, making the whole thing look even better.

Microgreens or Edible Flowers:

Elevate your dish with microgreens or edible flowers for a delicate and gourmet touch. 

Textured Elements:

Consider incorporating textured elements, such as toasted nuts or seeds, to add both visual interest and a delightful crunch to the plate.

Rimmed Plates:

Choose plates with a slightly elevated rim to contain any sauces or jus, preventing them from spreading across the entire surface and maintaining a clean presentation.

Storage and Leftovers

Don’t let the goodness go to waste. Here’s the art of properly storing cooked flanken short ribs and getting creative with repurposing leftovers.

Cooling Before Storage:

Make sure you let the cooked flanken short ribs cool down to room temperature before you store them. This way, you’ll be able to avoid any potential bacteria growth.


Make sure to keep your leftovers fresh by storing them in airtight containers or wrapping them tightly with plastic wrap. And don’t forget to pop them in the fridge within two hours of cooking!

Labeling and Dating:

Make sure to put the date on the containers so you know when you made the food. Eat the leftovers from the fridge within 3-4 days for the best taste.


If you’re not gonna eat the extra food in a few days, just freeze it. Put the ribs in a container or a bag that’s safe for the freezer and remove as much air as you can so it won’t get freezer burn. For the best taste, use them within 2-3 months.

Portioning for Convenience:

Divide leftovers into smaller portions before storing. This allows for easier reheating of specific quantities, minimizing waste.

Reheating Leftover Flanken Short Ribs:


Reheat individual portions in the microwave at a medium setting. Don’t forget to pour in some broth or water to keep the meat from getting dry. This will help it stay juicy and flavorful.


For larger portions, reheat in a preheated oven at a low to moderate temperature (around 300°F to 325°F or 149°C to 163°C). Cover with foil to retain moisture.

Slow Cooker:

Place the leftover ribs in a slow cooker with a bit of liquid. Set on low for a few hours to allow for gentle reheating.

Grilling (Optional):

For a flavorful twist, briefly grill reheated ribs to add a fresh char and enhance the smoky flavors.

Repurposing Leftovers:

Tacos or Wraps:

Shred the leftover flanken short ribs and use them as a filling for tacos or wraps. Add a dollop of fresh salsa, a generous scoop of guacamole, and a sprinkle of shredded cheese on top.


Make some tasty sandwiches by putting some leftover ribs between two slices of bread or in a roll. Just warm the ribs up and you’re good to go!  Add your favorite condiments and crisp lettuce for texture.

Pasta Dish:

Incorporate shredded ribs into a pasta dish. Toss with your favorite pasta, tomato sauce, and vegetables for a hearty meal.

Risotto or Fried Rice:

Mix diced ribs into a risotto or fried rice for a flavorful twist. The richness of the meat adds depth to these dishes.


Slice leftover ribs thinly and add them to a salad for a protein-packed, flavorful topping. Pair with a tangy vinaigrette for balance.

Remember to use your creativity when repurposing leftovers. With a bit of innovation, you can transform cooked flanken short ribs into entirely new and exciting dishes, ensuring that the deliciousness doesn’t go to waste.

Health Benefits of Flanken Short Ribs

Rich in Protein:

Flanken short ribs are a great source of high-quality protein, essential for muscle repair, maintenance, and overall growth in the body.

Vitamins and Minerals:

These ribs carry necessary vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins (B12, niacin, riboflavin) and minerals like iron, zinc, and phosphorus. These nutrients play significant roles in energy metabolism, immune function, and bone health.

Healthy Fats:

While flanken short ribs do carry fat, they also serve a mix of saturated and unsaturated fats. The appearance of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats contributes to heart health.

Collagen Content:

Collagen is present in the connective tissues of flanken short ribs. Collagen is helpful for joint health, skin elasticity, and the total health of connective tissues in the body.

Energy Source:

The fat content in flanken short ribs serves as a concentrated energy source. When consumed in moderation, it contributes to sustained energy levels.

Moderation and Balanced Diet:

Portion Control:

Enjoying flanken short ribs in moderation is key. Be mindful of portion sizes to ensure you get the nutritional benefits without excessive caloric intake.

Various Cooking Methods:

Test with different cooking ways to control the overall fat content. Grilling, braising, or slow cooking allows you to enjoy the flavor while managing fat levels.

Lean Cuts:

Choose lean cuts when possible. Trimming excess visible fat before cooking reduces the overall fat content while maintaining the essential nutrients.

Mindful Eating:

Savor each bite, and eat mindfully. Chew slowly to grasp the flavors and allow your body to give satiety cues, preventing overeating.

In summary, flanken short ribs can be part of a balanced and nourishing diet when enjoyed in moderation and as a portion of a well-rounded meal. The key is to appreciate the nutritional benefits while being mindful of portion sizes and incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your overall dietary plan.

Troubleshooting Tips

Uneven Cooking:

If you notice uneven cooking, ensure that the ribs are of similar thickness. If not, adjust cooking times for individual pieces or consider trimming thicker sections to achieve uniformity.

Dry Ribs:

To combat dryness, avoid overcooking. Adjust cooking times based on the thickness of the ribs. Additionally, consider marinating or basting the ribs with a flavorful liquid to enhance moisture.

Too Much Fat:

If the dish is excessively fatty, trim visible fat from the ribs before cooking. Alternatively, refrigerate the cooked dish and remove solidified fat from the surface before reheating.

Over-Seasoned Dish:

If you’ve accidentally over-seasoned the ribs, try diluting the seasoning by adding more unsalted broth, tomatoes, or other neutral-flavored ingredients. Balance the flavors gradually and taste as you adjust.

Under-Seasoned Dish:

To remedy an under-seasoned dish, use finishing touches. Sprinkle a pinch of salt, add a squeeze of lemon, or drizzle a flavorful sauce over the ribs just before serving. Taste and adjust as needed.


In conclusion, cooking flanken short ribs in the oven is a delightful journey filled with flavors and possibilities. We invite you to try our recipe, share your experiences, and become part of a community passionate about the art of cooking.


Can I use a different cut of beef for this recipe?

Absolutely! While flanken short ribs are recommended, you can experiment with other cuts to find your favorite.

What’s the ideal marinating time for maximum flavor?

At least 4 hours is recommended, but whole night marination can take the flavors to the next level.

How do I realize if the ribs are done except by overcooking them?

Do with a meat thermometer to assure the internal temperature reaches 145°F for medium-rare or 160°F for medium.

What’s the best way to reheat leftover flanken short ribs?

For the juiciest results, use an oven set at 325°F and cover the ribs with foil to prevent drying.

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